Thursday, February 17, 2011


Below are some general and formal instructions for your writing assignments.

1)SAVE ALL OF YOUR WORK! I would suggest that, whether blog or emailed assignment, you save your writing assignments using a word processing program. Whether you compose them there or not is up to you, but you need to have a record of the work that you do over the course of the semester in case there is any question concerning whether or not you turned in an assignment.
2) If you intend to email your assignment to me, you may either send it to me as an email attachment or paste your assignment in the body of an email.
3) Please include your name and the name of the assignment (ex. “Writing Assignment #2) with your work. For those posting to the blog, include the name of the assignment in the “Title” field and your name at the beginning of your post.
4) Speaking of blogs, your assignments will be turned in as “blog posts.” So, go to and sign into the blog, once you are signed in, click on “New Post,” here is the environment for posting. Enter the name of the assignment in the “Title” field and your work in the “Body” field (though it’s not named here). At this point, you have three options: you can a) preview your post; b) save your post; or c) post and be finished. Everyone should proofread their work at least once before posting it. Should you want to preview or save your post, play around with settings in order to familiarize yourself with how it works.
5) If you have questions about an assignment, you can pose those questions to me in the “Comments” field to that assignment. I’ll get back to you by commenting under your comment.
6) Speaking of comments, let’s keep it mature, civil, and relevant to the topic folks, okay. Let’s stay classy.
7) For those of you who will be emailing your assignments, compose them using a version of Microsoft Word (if at all possible), save a copy for yourself, then send to my university email account either as an attachment or copy and paste it in the body of the email. Please include the name of the assignment in the “Subject” heading of your email and your name at the beginning of the assignment.
8) The blog is an open forum for the class. If you all have questions about the readings, comments about the articles we read, or whatever, Post It! Once I get my computer problems fixed next week, I’ll able to be much more active there, so get ready.

That’s it for now, if I add to these instructions, I’ll let you all know.

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